Interview med Bruce Canwell fra LOAC

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Tilmeldt: 17. feb 2005, 21:38

Interview med Bruce Canwell fra LOAC

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YES !! Bruce Canwell afliver myten om at gamle strips kun er for 50-60 årige mænd! 8) ... TM22sz5tMU
When you talk about the people who put out the earlier reprints in the ‘60s, ‘70s, and ‘80s, many of them had grown up with the strips or at least were familiar with them, maybe from their parents. The same could be said of their audience. But now, you have readers in their 20s who have no history with these strips. Are you able to grow an audience and grow an awareness with people who may not be familiar with these much older titles?

A qualified yes. The email and social media input that we get indicates that there is a certain slice of our readership that is in fact younger than 50-something or 60-something. I would tell you the numbers for younger readers are probably not what any of us would like them to be. But, I have this discussion with my comics-reading friends, who grew up as I did reading Marvel comics or DC comics or Gold Key comics, and seeing the superheroic sort of things, or the science fictional things that were prevalent at the time. Those things are not prevalent now, but I still believe there are a strong number of comics readers in the younger set, they're just coming at it with things like Dog Man or Diary of a Wimpy Kid. And as they grow older, things like Lumberjanes and other things that are available out there for the younger set. I like to think a number of those people as they grow older will stay interested in comics. Their tastes will mature, and they'll be looking around for other things in comics that will match their growing maturity as readers. I guess I have to believe that that over time there'll be at least a drip feed of new readers who come in and discover this material.
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